Purchasing Managers Indices are rapidly becoming the most prominent economic data releases internationally, as a reliable gauge and early indicator of the underlying economic activity. The Africa Business Purchasing Managers Index (Africa PMI) follows the logic and methodology of the PMI confidence indices. The Africa PMI applies the same logic with a breakdown in manufacturing and non-manufacturing (services) business confidence for the entire African continent. For clients we have monthly indexes available.
Purchase executives of the African Business Panel are invited to complete the Africa PMI survey on a monthly basis. Depending on the industry classification of their organization, responses are attributed to the manufacturing and service indices.
The Africa PMI is a composite index based on five of the individual indexes with the Delivery Times index inverted so that it moves in a comparable direction.
New Orders
Suppliers’ Delivery Times
Stock of Items Purchased
Purchasing managers
Purchasing managers LinkedIn Group
LinkedIn Group
Respondents are asked every month to report the change (‘decrease’, ‘same’ or ‘increase’) from the previous month for the following indicators.
Based on actual business conditions (facts), rather than confidence-based (opinion) measurements.
The Africa PMI and African Survey on Business are published on the first business day of each month.